Books published

 | Post date: 2017/07/8 | 

Books published by faculty members in current year are as followed:

1. "Energy security and future of energy world market"  by Dr. Mohammad Sayadi

2. "A survey of resistive economy in the field of energy & power" by Dr. Mohammad Sayadi

3. "The economy of Iran & resistive economy theory" by Dr. Vahid  Shaghaghi


Few examples of journal papers published by FM recently

1. Ali emami, Mahdi Hosseini, Mohsen Ebrahimi,ali souri,mohammad ali haji mirzaee ,"Analysis of the optimal economic exploitation of oil reservoirs by the use of buyback contract" - A Case Study of Iran's oil fields in the South West- quarterly journal of Economic Research and policies , 2016, Volume 24, Number 77, P. 63-94

2. Ali Emami Mebodi, Ali Qorbani, Mohsen Ebrahimi, Ali Souri, Mohammad Ali Haji Merzaeei "Optimal Extraction Path in a Oil and Gas Broun Field under the Buyback Contractual Framework (Case Study on the Iranian Field in the Persian Gulf) Journal of Economic modeling Research, 2016, Volume 6, Number 24,p.41-82

3.Monjazeb and Others (2016), The Analysis of Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Stock Exchange Return With PANEL-GARCH Approach (Case Study: D8 Countries), Iranian Economic Review, 2016(4).

 4.  Nazemi A, Farsaee A. and S. Moghaddam (2016), "Estimating Market Power by Introducing New Lerner Index in Iranian Electricity Market", Energy Sources, Part B: Economic, planning, and policy, (Indexed in ISI)

5. Nazemi A, Farsaee A. and S. Moghaddam (2016), "Trade off Curves and Elasticity Analysis in Multi Options Fuel System and Combined Problem", Submitted for Energy Economics, (Indexed in ISI)

6. Nazemi A, Farsaee A, (2016), "Experimental Survey on Market Inefficiency in the Iranian Electricity Market", Submitted for Energy Economics, (Indexed in ISI)

7.  Mosavi SH, Nazemi A, Hafezolkotob A, (2016), "Nash equilibrium strategy in the deregulated power industry and comparing its lost welfare with Iran wholesale electricity market", Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 12(4), 421-435

8.Sayyadi Mohammad, The U.S Shale Oil and Gas; Economics and Political Consequences on World Energy Market.  Oil and Exploration and Production, November 2017, Volume 139, Pages 48-58

9.Sayyadi Mohammad, Stochastic Shocks and Oil Revenue Management in Iran; A DSGE Approach, Economics Research, Summer 2016, Volume. 20.

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